Sunday, July 20, 2008

My trip to Canada... Cont... Montreal

After being in Niagara Falls on the Canada side we drove 4 hours to go to Montreal.
In Montreal we stayed in a "hostal" it was a new experience for me but it was the shipper place to spend the night and we have a private room, so we were like the VIP in there :-). Montreal is so pretty!!! it's a really big city they speak English and French I think is a very nice city to leave.
Because were there on July 1st, that's Canadians' day, we got the chance to see the fireworks and all the celebration it was really nice!!
When we were leaving Montreal we saw the Temple it was really pretty :-D

You can see more pics on my pictures' blog:


Janint said...

Gracias por compartir estas fotos. Se ve que la pasaste muy bien! Fuímos a las cataratas del Niagara, NY cuando vivíamos en PA, pero no he ido a Canadá, se ve precioso! Cómo sigues luego del robo en tu casa? Espero estés mejor. Saludos!

florira said...

Si fue muy padre este viaje muy bonito todo!! :-D
Todo esta trankilo aunk todavia la policia no ah dado seguimiento pero x lo menos tienen el reporte y hacen mas rondas x la casa :-)
